Friday, July 16, 2010

Give blood -- with a secret ingredient for extra goodness

I was giving blood earlier today and started to think about how selfless I was being. Not only for donating to a life-saving cause, but for postponing my first beer of the day until after lunch! On a Friday, in the summer, as the President of Tide Point's premier beer club, this is no small feat.

But then I was wondering... was it even necessary to wait? What if blood for transfusions had a little extra "kick"? There is no doubt in my mind that a bit of the wonderful beverages below included in every transfusion would improve recovery times for patients, as well as make them feel totally awesome. Am I wrong?

Your menu for today:

Brian Reavey
brought in Great Divide Hoss Rye Lager

Hoss Bogg?

and Great Divide Colette Farmhouse Ale

Nick Liechty brought in Victory Prima Pils

and Flying Dog Raging Bitch

Ken Henry brought in Stoudts Karnival Kolsh

and Otter Creek Spring Ale

Dave Hogan brought in Ommegang Abbey Ale

Yet another Abbey Road parody

and Blue Point Blueberry

Available in luscious blueberry!


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