Friday, September 19, 2014

Where in the world is Chris Sollitto?

Belgium.  That's where he is.  He's in freakin Belgium.  Probably enjoying Belgian beers, Belgian waffles, Belgian lace, Belgian chocolate and Belgian BEERS.  I'm trying really hard not to be jealous right now.  So let's raise a glass to our Beer Club President and wish him a safe return.  Let's just hope he brings back a few Westvleteren bottles to share too.  *hint*hint*

On to the menu!

Sierra Nevada Flipside Red IPA

Hofbrau Oktoberfest

Schlafly Pumpkin Ale

 Stillwater Brontide

bron·tide noun \ˈbränˌtīd\
:  a low muffled sound like distant thunder heard in certain seismic regions especially along seacoasts and over lakes and thought to be caused by feeble earth tremors

Your Beer Elite Selections Today: Stone Unapologetic IPA

...and a special treat courtesy of Joe Eisenberg: Stone Guardian Barley Wine

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